I'm Leonardo Mezu
I'm a
Now that I got your attention, let's give a look around ...
Fullstack Ruby on Rails developer
Ruby on Rails | React | Flutter | Postgresql | Bootstrap | Git
About me

Lines with meaning...

I'm a software and automation engineer passionate about developing competent software that translates into business opportunities and, currently, I'm seeking new projects and open positions.

I'm confident that building, understandable, scalable, and effective software is an excellent way to address much of the organizations' and society's needs while generating value in the process.

The details

Pretty formal up there right?, let's break the ice, I'm a 26 years old Colombian guy who loves to discover new perspectives for everyday situations, I think I'm the engaged type of person since I can't get enough of something when I'm really into it.

Some facts about me:

I drink alarming amounts of coffee and I find hiking and meditation the most curative soul therapies.

  • Current location:Popayán, Cauca, Colombia
  • Stack:Ruby, Ruby on Rails, JS, ES6, React, Matlab, Pg-SQL, Mongo-db
  • Interests:House music, Android & iOS development, Video Games, Cycling, Hiking, Food
Featured projects

Shoes Store


News Week Clone


Ruby Ruby-bot Slack Bot


Chirp-it! a rails Twitter Clone

Front End Development

Stunning and beautiful responsive pages

Back End Development

Robust server side solutions based on Rails ~ Nodejs

Consultancy Services

Debug and troubleshoot your projects


Blog entries


Click on any of the links below.